Dacher Keltner
Keltner, professor of psychology, serves as the director of the Berkeley Greater Good Science Center and co-editor of the center’s magazine, Greater Good. Keltner’s research focuses on two time-honored questions. First is the biological and evolutionary origins of human goodness, with a special concentration on compassion, awe, love, and beauty. Second is the study of power, status, and social class, and the nature of moral intuitions. He is the co-author of two best-selling textbooks, more than 100 scientific articles, and is a contributor to New York Times Magazine and Utne Reader. His research has been covered by BBC News, CNN, NPR, TIME, Newsweek, The New York Times, and Utne Reader, which recently named Keltner one of “50 Visionaries Who are Changing Your World.” He is the author of numerous books, including Born to Be Good: The Science of a Meaningful Life and, most recently, The Power Paradox: How We Gain and Lose Influence.