
Science on the Edge


Dramatic innovations in computing, renewable energy and climate change research, biological sciences for human health, and understanding the universe — from the infinitesimal to the infinite — have placed Berkeley scientists on the precipice of incredible breakthroughs. Get an insiders’ perspective — from the leaders of two crown jewels in research — on little-known discoveries that could soon change life as we know it.

Dates and Locations

San Francisco

Nov. 6, 2013
City Club of San Francisco



Paul Alivisatos

Alivisatos Ph.D. ’86 serves as vice chancellor for research with overall responsibility for UC Berkeley’s research endeavor and primary leadership in research policy, planning and administration including relations between the university and industry, research compliance, research communications an…

More about Paul Alivisatos
Graham Fleming

Graham Fleming

Fleming is a professor of chemistry and The Melvin Calvin Distinguished Professor of Chemical Biodynamics at Berkeley. As a scientist he has reshaped the intersection of physical and biological sciences, while maintaining his own groundbreaking investigations into ultrafast chemical and biological …

More about Graham Fleming