
Student Life: With Real Live Students


Take a peek behind the scenes of student life at Berkeley. Hear first hand from current students about what it takes to find your social and intellectual niche at the world’s greatest public university. A panel of students will answer questions and share their insights about 21st-century college life. They will be joined by Samuel Santos Jr., assistant vice chancellor and associate dean of students at UC Berkeley, who will provide an overview of student life today, from housing to research to extracurricular activities.

Ticket Price

$25in advance
$40at door
space permitting

Dates and Locations

Santa Monica

Oct. 29, 2019
Shutters on the Beach



Samuel Santos Jr.

Samuel Santos Jr. is Assistant Vice Chancellor and Associate Dean of Students at UC Berkeley. Passionate about equity and access to higher education for underrepresented student populations, Samuel has held a wide array of roles in student services spanning both two and four year colleges, includin…

More about Samuel Santos Jr.
Sara Tsai Headshot_0

Sara Tsai

Sara Tsai ’20 is a student in UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business majoring in business administration and interdisciplinary studies, and minoring in food systems.

More about Sara Tsai

Matt Matusiewicz

Matt Matusiewicz ’22 is a student in UC Berkeley’s College of Engineering.

More about Matt Matusiewicz

Daisy Boeckman

Daisy Boeckman ’21 is a student in UC Berkeley’s College of Letters and Science.

More about Daisy Boeckman