Oil Spill Aftermath
Dates and Locations
San Francisco
Nov. 1, 2010
Julia Morgan Ballroom
San Diego
Nov. 3, 2010
Qualcomm, Inc., Irwin M. Jacobs Qualcomm Hall
Santa Monica
Nov. 8, 2010
Shutters on the Beach
Terry Hazen
Hazen received his B. S. and M. S. degrees in interdepartmental biology from Michigan State University. His Ph.D. is from Wake Forest University in Microbial Ecology. Hazen was professor, chairman of biology and director of Graduate Studies at the University of Puerto Rico for eight years. He was t…
More about Terry HazenKellie McElhaney
McElhaney is the Alexander Faculty Fellow and the founding faculty director of the Center for Responsible Business at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business. Since she launched the center in 2003, corporate social responsibility has become a core competency and competitive advantage of the Haas Scho…
More about Kellie McElhaneyThomas Azwell
Azwell is a doctoral researcher at Berkeley’s College of Natural Resources. His research focuses on developing low-cost and environmentally safe bioremediation technologies for hydrocarbons and toxins found in crude oil and sediments. Azwell’s technology was tested successfully after the Cosco Busa…
More about Thomas AzwellTony Kingsbury
Kingsbury joined the Center For Responsible Business in September 2007 on secondment from the Dow Chemical Company to launch a new interdisciplinary program on sustainable products and innovations at Berkeley. He is a recognized expert in global sustainability, environmentally preferred purchasing,…
More about Tony Kingsbury