2016_Apr_Insiders & Outsiders- Election 16

Insiders and Outsiders in 2016: Presidential Politics in a Changing America


As we move toward a decision in November, the sociopolitical fault lines running through our country are increasingly evident. Join two of Cal’s leading experts on presidential politics for an analysis of the contentious (and often peculiar) race for the White House and its implications for America’s future.

Dates and Locations

Pacific Palisades

March 30, 2016
Riviera Country Club


April 5, 2016
Menlo Circus Club

San Diego

April 20, 2016
Paradise Point (Mission Bay Ballroom)


April 27, 2016
Lafayette Park Hotel


terri bimes 2

Terri Bimes

Bimes (Ph.D., Yale University) is a lecturer in the Charles and Louise Travers Department of Political Science and assistant research director at the Institute of Governmental Studies. As a lecturer, she teaches courses on the presidency and the senior honors thesis writing seminar. Her past public…

More about Terri Bimes

Jack Glaser

Glaser is associate professor and associate dean at the Goldman School of Public Policy. A social psychologist whose primary research interest is in stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination, he is also affiliated with Berkeley’s psychology department, the Center for Policing Equity, and the Cent…

More about Jack Glaser