Human Stem Cells: Scientific and Societal Impacts
Robert J. Birgeneau
Birgeneau, an internationally distinguished physicist, served as the ninth chancellor of UC Berkeley from 2004–13. Well known for his commitment to diversity and equity, he successfully advanced a vision of “Access and Excellence.” Prior to Berkeley, he was president of the University of Toronto fo…
More about Robert J. BirgeneauRandy Schekman
Schekman is a professor of molecular and cell biology at Berkeley, an adjunct professor of biochemistry and biophysics at UCSF, a member of the National Academy of Sciences, and an investigator at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Schekman shared the 2013 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine w…
More about Randy SchekmanCharis Thompson
Thompson is Chancellor’s Professor and Chair of Gender & Women’s Studies, and a former founding director of the Science, Technology, and Society Center at UC Berkeley. She is an expert on the ethics of reproductive technologies and stem cell research. She read philosophy, psychology, and physiology…
More about Charis Thompson