Beyond Legalization
Van Butsic
Van Butsic is the Cannabis Research Center Co-director and Assistant Cooperative Extension Specialist in Environmental Science, Policy, & Management. He studies the geographic spread of cannabis agriculture using remote sensing techniques and econometric modeling.
More about Van ButsicHekia Bodwitch
Hekia Bowditch is a postdoctoral researcher in Environmental Science, Policy, & Management.
More about Hekia BodwitchPhoebe Parker-Shames
Phoebe Parker-Shames is a graduate student in Environmental Science, Policy, & Management and studies how land use change shapes wildlife communities across human-ecological landscapes.
More about Phoebe Parker-ShamesMichael Polson
Michael Polson is a postdoctoral researcher in Environmental Science, Policy, & Management and a Ciriacy-Wantrup Postdoctoral Fellow. He studies the changing political economies of northern California as marijuana production becomes formal, public, and represented broadly.
More about Michael Polson